CI$ - definitie. Wat is CI$
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Wat (wie) is CI$ - definitie

Ci; C.I.; CI (disambiguation); C.i.; Ci.; Ci (disambiguation)

Coded Information
¦ abbreviation
1. Channel Islands.
2. Ivory Coast (international vehicle registration). [from Fr. Cote d'Ivoire.]



CI or Ci may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor CI$
1. This is Pamela Landy, CI Supervisor.
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
2. This is Tom Cronin, CI Operations Officer
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
3. And this is where CI comes in.
Release Engineering Keynote _ Dinah McNutt _ Talks at Google
4. I'll have the CI, that's you in the Google shirt.
Living Thing _ Peter Bjorn and John _ Talks at Google
5. let me remind you, it's Thu-ci-di-dees--
Destined for War - America & China _ Graham Allison _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor CI$
1. Two of the blocks, CI–101 and CI–401, are in Ivory Coast waters while the Cape Three Points Deep Water block is in Ghana.
2. The two were ordered by a court to pay CI Systems $170,000 in damages and were prohibited from using a number of products identified by the court as having infringed on CI patents.
3. Rhythm–and–blues singer K–Ci is 3'. Actor–comedian Katt Williams is 35.
4. The estimated mean difference between the two groups was 151 g with '5% CI (51, 252). The mean placental weight in the placebo group was 5'6 and 645 g in the SP group, implying a difference of 4' g with a '5% CI (11, 88). The mean gestational duration was 6.1 days longer in the SP group, '5% CI (1.5, 10.6)," they reported.
5. The informant called twice in the ensuing week and during the second call Iqbal said he wanted to "check out the CI [confidential informant] to make sure the CI was not a spy," according to court documents.